Thursday, March 22, 2007


From the semi-sophisticated University of San Francisco to a small hospital in Duarte, California, is a big step down, if only in air quality. Father Fessio S.J. was shitcanned by his Jesuit superior for peddling his fundamentalist, hegemonic form of Catholicism

Maybe Father Fessio felt a little underused in the 40-bed-hospital assignment. Like, obedience is one thing, but, sheesh! Who's ever heard of Duarte?

So he got himself a job at an intellectual sinkhole called Ave Maria University (wikilink) in America’s capital punishment capital, Florida. He was to be a big poohbah

There have been no reports of why Fessio was fired. Does he just rub people the wrong way. Is he a spy for Ratzinger? He couldn’t be one of those priests who “gets moved around.”

It’s a big country. There’s are places where a degree from Oral Roberts or from Liberty University might give some entrĂ©e to something. But, in the bigger world, what an embarrassment!

Like, does Scientology have a university yet!

Ave Maria U was founded, funded, and CEOd by the conservative Catholic* guy who made millions off of Domino’s Pizza. (You've tried his pizza, now try his dogma.)

Even Father Joe says he can no longer recommend Ave Maria U. His article here provides some good speculation. Apparently it was just academic politics, couched in churchly mumbojumbo.

I think it was Henry Kissinger, still unindicted, who said, “Academic politics is the most vicious, because there is so little at stake.”

* “Conservative Catholic” is like “primitive caveman.”

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