Thursday, March 1, 2007


Here’s the story from AP via Yahoo. Fischer Price got fined almost $1 million because they put profit ahead of child safety.

FP knew that their toy had a choking/aspiration problem and continued to sell the toy and failed to notify the Consumer Product Safety Commission (recall notice here).

It’s bad taste to cheat kids. The Koran is big on this, especially orphans. In Islam, if you mess with an orphan, Allah’s gonna mess with you big time.

During my one and only week in Philadelphia, there was a different public corruption scandal headlined every day. I think it was on Wednesday, the story was about some gangsters ripping off a school lunch program.

Gerber got caught substituting sugar water for fruit juice in their baby food.

Heck, our last (registered) Republican mayor in SF, a guy named Christopher, owned the dairy that supplied milk to the public schools. It was discovered that he was delivering mislabeled and inferior product for the kids to drink.

It’s just really shitty to prey on kids like that.

This is one of my gripes against the Catholic Church, that they try to enslave innocent young minds by threatening them with eternal damnation.

Kids are told that through Baptism they have entered into a lifetime contract with God, and with his earthly representative, the Pope. The contract requires them to obey and financially support the Pope. In return, the Pope supplies salvation.

That's a spes for res trade that puts Wimpy (I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today) to shame.

It’s for the unwitting kid to figure out that the threat of hell is as false as the promise of heaven.

In our enlightened society, a person is not deemed eligible to enter into a contract until the age of eighteen. The Church likes to get to them a little younger than that.

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