Friday, March 2, 2007


This guy who preaches to the Pope warned against dialog with other religions. At a retreat attended by the Pope and other Vatican bigshots, Cardinal Biffi cautioned that equal dialog with non Catholics is a temptation of the Antichrist. According to a Catholic News Service article:

He said there are "absolute values such as the good, the true and the beautiful. One who perceives them and loves them also loves Christ, even if he does not know it, because Christ is the truth, beauty and justice.

The Cardinal is certainly free to assert that Christ is truth, beauty, and justice. Just as I’m free to assert that I find God through gay sex.

[Sometimes the Antichrist affects an avuncular smile.]

Biffi has failed to grok the import of Baltimore Catechism #2 question 168. It clearly states that non-Catholics can get into heaven simply by loving whatever notion of God they might have, and generally trying to be good.

If this is true, then why hassle non-Catholics?

If Christians set aside their belief that salvation comes only through Christ, he said, they may find dialogue with others easier, but they will have denied their obligation to share the Gospel and will have placed themselves "on the side of the Antichrist."

Isn’t the notion of the Antichrist just a bit "quaint"? The only real currency the Antichrist has is among Goth kids who want to join his army.

Biffi seems to be an Antichrist expert. He was ridiculed in a year 2000 BBC story headlined CARDINAL: ANTICHRIST IS A VEGETARIAN.

JESUIT WATCH has issued its own alert: Kids, beware of Cardinal Biffi.

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