Saturday, February 17, 2007


It’s refreshing to be reminded that not all priestly vow-breaking involves young boys.

A recent report casts Rev. James Jacobson, S.J., and by extension the Company itself, as a deadbeat dad, refusing to support the children he fathered.

Apparently “the Reverend” was bringing Jesus to the beautiful artistic Yupik people in the Yukon. Below see some of their masks and couture. The masks, even with such heavy juju, couldn’t fend off the Jesuits.

Heck, they’re only aborigines.

Persons of little worth found cumbering the soil of a newly discovered country. They soon cease to cumber; they fertilize.
Ambrose Bierce, Devil’s Dictionary

Paternity is not in question. The issue is who will pay and how much. The Society decided that in this case Jesus wanted them to act like any other civil litigant. Just because you’re Catholic doesn’t mean you can’t pull all the legal tricks at your disposal.

The story in the Seattle Times says that DNA tests determined that Jacobson was the father of two boys (at least). The costly tests would have been done only if Jacobson had denied paternity.

The deadbeat Rev Jacobson pleads poverty. The deadbeat Jesuit Order says, Not our responsibility.

However it works out, I’m sure it’s AMDG.

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