Friday, October 19, 2007


Our received Catholic faith seems to follow a developmental path similar to that of our received belief in Santa Claus.

Not so bad, really. Adolescence is always rough, but overall it's a good thing.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog has an atheist position, if I am not mistaken. Atheism is also the viewpoint of the higher Clergy in the RCC as I experienced it. This post here does not have much information on reality.

American Santa has a father in Europe. He is called Saint Nicolas, and this papism is done over here in Holland by almost all atheists at 6 December, Sainta's Birthday. These mostly atheist dutch heretics lie to their children that this Cardinal exists. Cardinal, because he has a red (scarlet) suit, just like Santa~Satna~Satan in America. Bishops are dressed in Purple. This Saint Nicolas is the first lie these children are teached, and bribed to believe also, so implementing mindcontrol into the Dutch Population. This is destroying every oppertunity for truth in Dutch culture today.

Most fanatic papists today are the atheists, that comply to Sunday Worship by Law in Europe, and than go deny that the Vatican is making these laws in their country. ALL EUROPEAN LAWS TODAY ARE MADE BY THE VATICAN. This denying of this fact, the Sainta lie, is the main intellectual belief. A very supersticious fanatic behaviour, done by all atheists, that learn and teach all science in Church Latin!
(all plants and animals have Latin names, Law studies only the Roman laws, Novus Ordo Seclorum as Church Latin is like Mother Mary gave blue stars to a European flag)

Intellectual achievements in Europe and elsewhere, we thank to the Calvinists. Calvinists defeated the Roman Catholic Armada produced in Spain. Popery is controlling every intellectual in Europe today, but I can't force people to stop their fanatic lie support using their children as a weapon against commen sense.

Roman Catholics are called Christians, while they are not, but the contrary, Roman Catholics are Anti-Christians. Jesus Christ was killed by Romans, tortured by Romans, and the rest is the commen Lies as we know from churches and scientists today.

Roman Catholics are Romans; Calvinism has only been succesfull above the Hadrian Wall and the River Rhine, the borders of the Roman Empire. The Pontifex Maximus wants to kill all Christians, and he has Succeeded today thanks to Counter Reformation.

Atheists today are all Romanists. I challenge them to prove otherwise. Science and universities are all ruled again by the Jesuits, as did the Roman Church control all knowledge and education in the Middle Ages.