Wednesday, June 20, 2007


America’s neo-colonial war of aggression on the people of Vietnam was spearheaded by members of the Roman Catholic Church.

Ngo Dinh Diem, first president of South Vietnam, not a country but a short-lived cartographic fiction, was a Roman Catholic, a protégé of America’s prince of darkness, Francis Cardinal Spellman.

Diem’s brother was a prominent Catholic priest in Vietnam (later Cardinal). Diem’s family had converted to Catholicism in order to suck French colonial (Catholic) ass.

Diem did many bad things including suppression of the Buddhist majority. At least 70% of South Vietnamese were Buddhist. From Wikipedia:

The Catholic church was the largest landowner in the country, and the "private" status that was imposed on Buddhism by the French, which required official permission to conduct public Buddhist activities, were not repealed by Diem. The land owned by the Catholic church was exempt from land reform. Catholics were also de facto exempt from the corvee labor that the government obliged all citizens to perform and distributed US aid disproportionately to Catholic majority villages. Under Diem, the Catholic church enjoyed special exemptions in property acquisition, and in 1959, Diem dedicated his country to the Virgin Mary.

It was this suppression of Buddhists by Diem’s Catholic regime, including raids on their temples, that inspired the monks to immolate themselves so famously in the Streets of Saigon.

Read about Diem, another devout Roman Catholic/mass murderer, in Wikipedia here.

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Anonymous said...

First of all, if you are going to provide references, don't use a source like Wikipedia that is easily manipulated and falsified by anybody on the internet.

Secondly, being Catholic does not make someone a mass murderer. In fact, many famous mass murderers in history were not Catholic at all. What a surprise...

This is yet another example of you taking something from history and manipulating it to make the RCC into something that it is clearly not in order to advance your own agenda.


Anonymous said...

Diem was a great leader, who would've succeeded in making Vietnam a Christian nation had it not been for JFK.

Anonymous said...

What right does any leader have to dictate what religion you practice? Kennedy or not.

Anonymous said...

Mass Murderer - Centuries of the most despicable devilish INQUISITION Precise detailed instructions of ' How to Torture ' personally dictated by popes !
Hitler , Papist Austrian , Jesuits mysteriously re-appear from an Underground Bunker ( Cellar they called it ) unharmed - between Nagasaki and Hiroshima . Only WEEKS after first Ground Detonated Atomic bombs were tested. The list goes on. Virtually ALL " Mass Murderers " belonged to the same crew !
Hey Vietnamese - Get even with The Black Pope but stay the hell out of my country! No popery here !

Anonymous said...

Somewhere in the family relationships of Ngo Dinh Diem and his older brother who was a catholic Bishop in Hue, they produced a son who was born in 1968; just when the Vietnam War started heating up and five years after Diem got taken out. Contrary to the 'official' story was told how they migrated to the United States, Viet D. Dinh eventually went on to Georgetown University where he wrote the Patriot Act.

Just astounding.

Dolorosa said...

"Hanoi's official history has tended to downplay the Catholic leader's role in the country's past. Schoolbooks tell a "totally false" version of his life and deeds.",-a-public-memorial-Mass-for-South-Vietnamese-President-Ngo-Dinh-Diem-allowed-29471.html#