Thursday, June 21, 2007


A man and a woman have been missing in Oregon for almost two weeks, according to this Chronicle story.

The missing woman is a 61 year old civil servant from the Bay Area. The missing man is a Jesuit priest, 52, from Southern California.

Described as “traveling companions,” and “old dear friends,” the two seem to have been sharing a motel room.

The two kept a detailed journal and left an itinerary with the priest's mother, Kent said. Police found the journal in their hotel room Tuesday, along with their luggage…

I know what you’re thinking, but, scandal-schmandal!

Just because they’re sharing a hotel room doesn’t mean they’re having sex. And, taking separate rooms (at considerably greater expense) would not mean that they weren’t having sex, although it might have made such a claim more plausible.

But, who cares! Given their ages it’s kind of charming, like Charles and Camilla.

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Anonymous said...

Once again, you've taken a completely benign article and twisted it around to make it into a full-blown scandal. Using this strategy over and over again does not make it any more appealing. If you're going to post something sordid about the RCC or the Jesuits, please make it legitimate.


sfwillie said...

In my day it was considered scandalous for a Catholic priest to share a hotel room with a woman.

Anonymous said...

No offense, but this event seems pretty black & white if you ask me: Jesuit priest and lady friend sharing a hotel room; friends for many years. Whether they're having sex or not, given what the RCC is going through, is it really a use of good judgement for a RC priest to share a hotel room with a woman? Regardless of what their sexual preferences may be? (He's probably gay and/or she's probably a lesbian anyway...) sheAnon

Anonymous said...

Dear "A",

As a frequent reader of this blog and as a Jesuit myself I have read a good number of your comments and I understand your concerns. However, please know that you do very little to advance the cause of the Catholic Church or the Society of Jesus by posting such inflammatory remarks. As Christians, it is important that we respect other's opinions even if we don't agree with them, sfwillie's included.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Phil. sheAnon

dthb4dshr1 said...

Dave and Cheryl met me on May 25th, for lunch here in Reno Nevada. On their way up north for their vacation. They have done something like this every year that I am aware of. Dave is a very Devout and strong Catholic, and Cheryl is a very spiritual person. What ever has happened to them since leaving the Hotel in Portland, is strictly in God's Hands. I went to school with Dave and graduated with him. Thus there is a solid connection between us, and I can say this, at no time in the 37 years that I have known Dave, I know him to be a MAN OF GOD.

Bill Herd

sfwillie said...

Dear Bill,

Thanks for commenting. I'm sure they are very nice people.

Some of the coverage is very sad--about Dave's 78-year old mom out looking for him, sort of by herself.

I hope they're found alive and well and the terible anxiety is lifted from those who know and love them.

Thanks again for commenting.