Friday, April 13, 2007


An ongoing question here is why so many pervs wind up as Catholic priests. My assumption has always been unfortunate mismatch between person and career.

With the constant revelations of priest (even Jesuit) sex abuse I’m wondering if there is something more than unfortunate mismatch. Maybe, for some men, the trappings and context of priesthood are necessary to achieve erections.

I used to think that for the molesters, the priesthood was a pathway to sex acts that were just, well, sex acts. I’m so naïve.

Now I’m thinking that some of those boys might have had their little peepees blessed, In nomine patri etc. Probably some kids were told that the priest’s ejaculate is the “real eucharist.”

Many lay people (so called) enjoy role-playing as part of their sex-lives. Come to think of it, there must be couples who role-play priests and nuns.

For some men, just role-playing isn’t enough. They can’t achieve orgasm unless it violates real vows.

This is making more sense.

Here's an episode, as reported in the Baltimore Examiner, courtesy of the Society of Jesus.

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