Saturday, April 7, 2007


Thanks to Mirror of Justice and Inside Higher Ed for sharing this amusing bit of moral slapstick.

Story Outline:

1) First year law student at Georgetown University (Jesuit) applies for summer internship funding from the school (common practice).
2) Her internship is to be with Planned Parenthood.
3) The school denies funding because Planned Parenthood kills babies (supports abortion).
4) School officials help student find outside sources to fund her summer internship (kill babies).

Conclusion: It’s not about babies, it’s about funding sources.

The young woman involved (law student) thinks breach of contract. Also, she thinks discrimination.

As quoted in the insidehighered article she says:

“If the school wants to abide by Catholic doctrine it should do so consistently and prevent all activities the Church disagrees with. This includes prosecutors’ offices that impose the death penalty, gay rights organizations, political candidates and judges that hold positions that disagree with the Catholic church, military law organizations and human rights organizations (the majority of which support reproductive rights, as well)."

A spokesman for Georgetown replied:

“I don’t think Georgetown needs to enact Catholic doctrine on every issue — that wouldn’t be desirable,” he said. “But the most bedrock Catholic teaching is the protection of life. No advocacy group that works against that principle should be supported by the university.”

So, the bedrock issue remains women’s control of their own bodies. Ratzinger says he should have control of women’s bodies (worldwide), and he’s infallible.

In the report Jenny Woodson, the law student, says of the Jesuit University:

“If I ever knew that taking part in women’s rights issues would lead to a chilling effect, I don’t know if I would have ever considered coming here.”

Obvious misogyny. Obvious hypocrisy. With the internet we hear about these things.

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